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"Cine e Mihnea ? "

-Eu. !
(translation in English at the end.For the entire article,press the title )

Asa am raspuns la intrebarea Dn.Prof. de Psihologie.Dupa cum stiti sau mai probabil nu stiti,ma numesc si Mihnea.Cand se mai intreba la inceputul anului "cine e Mihnea? " colegii spuneau initial "nu..nu.cred ca ati gresit.Poate e la alta clasa. " :)).

 Dar dupa intrebare a urmat ceva ce m-a marcat placut.Initial m-am gandit la reclama "Eu ? Mare?" si am incercat subtil s-o adaptez la varianta "Eu ? Cel mai inteligent ? ".Ideea e ca noi am dat o lucrare saptamana trecuta la care si spre surprinderea mea...nu am invatat .Nu stiu de ce.Am incercat sa fac ce stiu mai bine in situatia respectiva si anume sa scriu ce-mi venea in minte despre subiectul psihologie si despre fisa de observatie,ce evident tine de psihologie.Adica te uiti la unu' si zici ce vezi.

Astazi au venit lucrarile.5,5,6,4,5,7.Woow.A mea nu venise inca.Imi ziceam "m-am dat dracu".Apoi a urmat intrebare din titlu.Imediat a venit afirmatia "Ma gandeam ca esti tu....Mda.Ti-am dat 9 doar pentru faptul ca ai scris o chestie foarte desteapta"..."Singura stralucire la tine a fost...a.da..si la domnisoara".Poate ca m-a ajutat "Brainiac-ul"

Eu am fost magulit.Gata....mi s-au taiat picioarele :)).Acum eu nu mi-o iau in cap.:)).Am dat si eu o replica.Acum nu stiu daca a fost cea mai buna...in fine : "Doamna profesor..multumesc...dar sa stiti ca mai am si alte chestii inteligente pe care nu le-ati aflat inca :)))".

Am avut noi de facut si un proiect.Eu unul l-am facut.Ceilalti au spus "pas".Surprise.Punea note.Eu am fost un pic amuzat.Mai am in clasa niste "robotei" ce au luat 10 in lucrare dar respectivii robotei nu facusera proiectul.M-am simtit ca inaintea unui concert : "2-10 ;2-10" proba de microfon =)).

Ma...acuma ma scuzati.(stiu ca se scrie "acum" dar da o oarecare rezonanta) am povestit si eu o chestie ce m-a bucurat foarte mult astazi.

Ma inclin.Voie buna.!

Translation in English

Ttile-Who is Mihnea ?

 -Me.! That was my answer at my Psychology teacher's question. As you probably know or not know,I have a second first name-Mihnea.When I was in my first high schooll year,everybody knew me-Rares and when a teacher said " Who is Mihnea ? " my colleagues said " No Mihnea in our class room..maybe in other class" :)))).

Today..this question again..But after the question followed something that made me proud of me.The idea is that we gave a test paper last week  and to my surprise I didn't learn.I don't know why.I tried to do what I know better in difficult situations like this,and that is to write what came into my mind ..now,about Psychology and about observation sheet,which obviously belongs Psychology .

Today came the test papers.All marks-4,5,6,5,6,7.(like E,F,G,D).My test wasn't corected yet.I said into my mind "Oh god..what mark I will have ?? ..I thought I'm  fucked off".After that my teacher said"Who is Mihea" -Me....She-Hm.Yes..I gave you 9 (A-) because you wrote a very clever thing.I think youre test parer is the cleverest from the class." .OHH..I was amazed. I was flattered.Thank God...I said :)) : "O..thank you .Mrs..I have a lot of clever things that you didn't heard or read yet " :)).Maybe the Brainiac from the picture,helped me :)).

We had to do a a project: To put some questions to head masater.I did my project.The others from my class,didn't.Surprise.My teahcer put a bad mark to the students that didn't make their project.I have some little robots in my claass..you know-nerds.They didn't make the projcet :))) and they received 2.OMG. They had 10 (from test paper) and 2 from project.I have to mention a thing...in Romania,at concerts,when an artist want to try the microphone to see if it works,he said :Two-Ten,Two-Ten ..microphone test :)).I was a little serpent/evil/grammy with my little nerds from my class and I said to them " Hei..:))..two-ten...two-ten,microphone test" :)) Ups..I did it :D

Now...:)) scuze me 'cause I told a little story that make me feel happy/..proud  :d

All the best.!

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