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Damn I liked this day

(Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title .:d ).
Iar am avut azi o zi din acelea aglomerate dar mai mult de cat placute.O sa incerc sa mentin cursul cronologic al zilei.Subiectele pe ordinea de zi : Engleza,meci handball,majorat..Sa le luam pe rand.

La ora 8.00 ma vedeam in oglinda imbracandu-ma pentru a pleca la concursul de lb.engleza-Evaluare in Educatie.Mi-am petrecut 2 ore jumatate in sala incercand sa asimilez proverbe si sa imi imaginez ce as face daca as fi Minstrul al Educatiei in Anglia.Pana aici totul O.K.Nu mi-a fost prea greu sa fac asta.Dictam stiloului (da .mai scriu cu stiloul.Nu stiu de ce;imi place :D ) sa scrie pe repede inainte palpitand mai intens de fiecare data cand prof. hasura cate un patratel pe tabla,semn ca mai trecut o jumatate de ora.Dupa ce a hasurat penultimul patrat m-am ridicat si am predat lucrarea.Aveam meci la handbal in jumatate de ora.

Urc 4 etaje ca apoi sa le cobor echipat si hidratat.Ajung la sala scolii.2 Traian si ma bag rapid la o incalzire.Stiti...ne strangem noi la mijlocul terenului sa ne impartim in 2 echipe.Am fost privilegiat de antrenor si am intrat in echipa 'mare'.Dupa o ora de joc,ma consolam cu faptul ca am inscris 4 goluri in pofida unor accidentari minore ce puteau 'deraia' nasol.Poate urmariti handball-ul si cred ca ati vazut cand sare un jucator sa dea la poarta si cineva il atinge si cu 2 degete,se dezechilibreaza urat-normal..ca e' in aer'..eu m-am dezechilibrat nu urat,odios,cazand.Nu era decat sa imi rup mana.:D.Iar in alta ipostaza,genunghiul stang a fost supus de asemenea la bruscalitati si lovituri :D.

Acasa imi programasem somn de voie.L-am amanat un pic deoarece m-a furat peisajul blogosferic.Dupa 2 ore de somn esti alt om :)).Am scris in articolul precedent ca m-am trezit cu chef de bataiala..de muzica.Mai aveam de asteptat vreo 2 ore pana sa ajung la ziua lui Fantomel. :D

Dupa ce realizez ca a mea crema maro de pantofi c'est fini (sper ca am scris corect..sunt certat cu franceza dar am zis ca da oa oarecare multumire ochiului cand citeste ) plec cu pasi nu prea grabiti.

Am ajuns si la party.Initial trebuia sa le explic prietenilor de ce nu le dau curs invitatiilor la dans.Ma repet..daca nu stau un pic jos...si nu ma imprietenesc cu un pahar sau cu o 'acadea',o maslina,un quelque chose,nu merge  :)).Daca exista ceva la care sunt anti-talent,acela este dansul-desi am facut o perioada buna de dans sportiv-.Singurul stil de dans ce imi place cu adevarat sa-l dansez este cha-cha.Am avut o tentativa frumoasa de cha-cha ,pe una dintre melodiile celor de la Ra-Fa-Ga..A...bine,da,a fost prezenta si zenguiala clasica pe bit-urile agresive ale boxelor.In principiu cheful de dans n-a lipsit.Cred totusi ca sarbatorita ne-a dat ceata la toti  :)).

M-am reintalnit cu prieteni vechi.Cred ca toti erau fumatori.Sunt nefumator.Mi-au cam dat lacrimile de cateva ori de la fum.Am incercat sa nu calc peste unul dintre principiile mele-acela de a nu fuma- dar am fost corupt.

Mai..stiti voi.O poza face cat 1.000 de cuvinte iar eu am mai multe(si asta am preluat-o de la un tip inteligent asa ca ma gandesc ca poate sunt si eu privilegiat s-o folosesc.D.Ma sustine Dn.Prof de psihologie ).O sa uploadez in cursul zilei de maine niste poze.Oricum o sa apara si pe pagina mea de facebook.

Ma inclin.Voie buna.!

P.S.Detaliile,minore sau nu, sunt sarea si piperul unei petreceri reusite; iar asta mi-am reamintit-o in seara asta.


                                                          Vedeam dublu :D

                                                    Fantomel >:D<

P.S.2 De' mai fac rost de poze,cred a mai postez...

Translation in English

I had today one of those days crowded but enjoyable.I'll try to keep the chronological order of the day. Topics on the agenda : English test,Handball match,Andra's birthday party(18 years). Let me count the ways.

At 8:00 I saw myself in the mirror dressing me to go to an English competition. I spent 2 hours and a half in the exam room trying to assimilate proverbs and to imagine what would I do if I were the Ministry of Education in England. So far everything OK.It was not too hard to do that. I dictated the pen to write faster and  I intensely vibrant every time the teacher was hatching a square on the balckboard,that means that a half of hour was gone.After he hatched second last square, I got up and I handed the paper.My handball match was starting in a half of hour.

I got up four floors and then I went down equipped and hydrated.I arrived at the gym.We started to play.After an hour, I consoled myself with my 4 goals despite some minor injuries that could derail bad.Maybe, you watch handball.I think you saw that when a player it;s in the air to throw the ball and someone is touching her-not even push-,he unbalanced the player.I was unbalanced and I fel.I almost broke my hand.And in another stance, my left knee was also subjected to blows and strikes.

I planned to sleep as soon as I came home but the blogosphere landscape kept me awake.After 2 hours of sleep you are another man. I wrote in the previous article that I woke up with a "desire" to dance and listen to music.I still had to wait about 2 hrs to go to Andra's birthday party she turned 18 today :D

After realizing that my brown shoe cream is not anymore, I leave with not too hurried steps.

I arrived at the party.Initially I had to explain to my friends why I don't respond to their invitations to dance.I repeat.I if don't stay a bit on an armchair to drink something and eat a "candy" ,an olive :)))... un quelque chose,I can't dance.  If there is something that I'm anti-talent, that something is dance-despite I practiced a period dance.The only style of dance which I really like him is the cha-cha dance.I had a nice attempt cha-cha, at one of the songs from Ra-Fa-Ga.I reunited with old friends.They were all smokers.I'm not a smoker.I tried to don't walk over one of my principles-'No smoking' but I was corrupted by others.

A picture is worth 1,000 words and I have more words.I'll upload some photos tomorrow during the day.Anyway,some photos will appear on my Facebook acount.

All the best.!

P.S.Details, minor or not, are salt and pepper to a successful party, and that I remembered it tonight.

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