Surpise !
(Translation in English at the end.For the entire article,press the title)
Nu mai organizasem de mult o petrecere surpriza.Defapt nu am organizat niciodata petreceri surpriza pana astazi.A fost ziua dirigului.Ne organizasem noi de vineri si astazi a iesit ceva frumos.I-am cumparat un tort si o sticla de sampania si ne-am prezentat in clasa unde trebuia sa aiba ora.Nu au lipsit nici atotprezentele baloane.Elementul surpriza a fost acordeonul cu care am sune mai armonios catecul de "la multi ani ! " :)) Mi-am luat in brate instrumentul si l-am asteptat cu totii in liniste deplina.In momentul in care a intrat in clasa,am putut vedea pe chipul lui surprinderea,si bucuria in acelasi timp.
A fost fun.Am vobit,am glumit,si am impartit tortul :)))(bine..aproape tot tortul pt ca avea cred vreo 5 kg si oricum nu l-am luat sal mancam noi.).Sampania nu... nu e voie cu alcool in scoala.A ramas ca o vom deschide in excursie.Ce sa mai spun ?...o sa las pozele sa vorbeasca(pt poze apasati 'Mai departe")
.Va dati seama...caterinca la urmatoarele ore.La informatica am fost pus s-o cant pe aia "Te-am zarit dupa morminte" =)))) (caterinca rau pe prof. asta).Mi-a zis "Ba..daca n-o canti p'asta..canta dracu Melc melc codobelc" =)) Eu-Daca vreti din repertoriul clasei 1,va bag o 'Ceata lu' Pitigoi" =)))). In fine.
UPDATE:Pentru Dl.Prof de informatica(daca bag si un "se stieee " merge mai bine ? ) =))).Ideea de la OmulSimplu :))
ion laceanu - te-am zarit printre morminte
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Adaug faptul ca am un diriginte extraordinar.Nu stiu daca puteam primi ceva mai bun de atat.Domnule Marius Grigorescu,ma inclin in fata dvstra.
Voie buna.!
Translation in English
It had been some time since I organized a surprise party.Actually..I didn't organized a surprise party before.Today was the first time.It was the name day of our class master(I think I wrote well..class master-formmaster.).We organized this from Friday and today we made a great party.We bought a cake and a bottle of champagne.We went to the classroom where he had to teach.(we spoke two days ago to the students from this classroom and we told them what's the deal..).We had balloons too.Surprise element was the acordion with which I came.Yes,I know to play acordion.We thought that is much better to take the acordion with us because it was suppose to sing and the acordion would help us :D .I got my instrument in my arms and we all waited in silence.When our class master/formmaster came in the classroom,I could see the surprise on his face.At the same time,I could see that he was happy.
It was fun.We talked,we sang songs...,we joked and we shared the cake( was big.I think it was about 5 kg and anyway we did't bought the cake to eat it.).Instead we didn't drink champagne.It's not allowed to drink alcohol in school.We agreed to open the champagne in the next trip.(we will probably make a trip in the country...somewhere.:D ).What can I say ? I will let the photos "talk".
Add that I have a wonderful class master/formmaster.He is awesome.I don't know if I could get something better than that.Mister Marius Grigorescu,I bow before your eyes.
All the best.
Nu mai organizasem de mult o petrecere surpriza.Defapt nu am organizat niciodata petreceri surpriza pana astazi.A fost ziua dirigului.Ne organizasem noi de vineri si astazi a iesit ceva frumos.I-am cumparat un tort si o sticla de sampania si ne-am prezentat in clasa unde trebuia sa aiba ora.Nu au lipsit nici atotprezentele baloane.Elementul surpriza a fost acordeonul cu care am sune mai armonios catecul de "la multi ani ! " :)) Mi-am luat in brate instrumentul si l-am asteptat cu totii in liniste deplina.In momentul in care a intrat in clasa,am putut vedea pe chipul lui surprinderea,si bucuria in acelasi timp.
A fost fun.Am vobit,am glumit,si am impartit tortul :)))(bine..aproape tot tortul pt ca avea cred vreo 5 kg si oricum nu l-am luat sal mancam noi.).Sampania nu... nu e voie cu alcool in scoala.A ramas ca o vom deschide in excursie.Ce sa mai spun ?...o sa las pozele sa vorbeasca(pt poze apasati 'Mai departe")
.Va dati seama...caterinca la urmatoarele ore.La informatica am fost pus s-o cant pe aia "Te-am zarit dupa morminte" =)))) (caterinca rau pe prof. asta).Mi-a zis "Ba..daca n-o canti p'asta..canta dracu Melc melc codobelc" =)) Eu-Daca vreti din repertoriul clasei 1,va bag o 'Ceata lu' Pitigoi" =)))). In fine.
UPDATE:Pentru Dl.Prof de informatica(daca bag si un "se stieee " merge mai bine ? ) =))).Ideea de la OmulSimplu :))
ion laceanu - te-am zarit printre morminte
Asculta mai multe audio diverse
Adaug faptul ca am un diriginte extraordinar.Nu stiu daca puteam primi ceva mai bun de atat.Domnule Marius Grigorescu,ma inclin in fata dvstra.
Voie buna.!
Translation in English
It had been some time since I organized a surprise party.Actually..I didn't organized a surprise party before.Today was the first time.It was the name day of our class master(I think I wrote well..class master-formmaster.).We organized this from Friday and today we made a great party.We bought a cake and a bottle of champagne.We went to the classroom where he had to teach.(we spoke two days ago to the students from this classroom and we told them what's the deal..).We had balloons too.Surprise element was the acordion with which I came.Yes,I know to play acordion.We thought that is much better to take the acordion with us because it was suppose to sing and the acordion would help us :D .I got my instrument in my arms and we all waited in silence.When our class master/formmaster came in the classroom,I could see the surprise on his face.At the same time,I could see that he was happy.
It was fun.We talked,we sang songs...,we joked and we shared the cake( was big.I think it was about 5 kg and anyway we did't bought the cake to eat it.).Instead we didn't drink champagne.It's not allowed to drink alcohol in school.We agreed to open the champagne in the next trip.(we will probably make a trip in the country...somewhere.:D ).What can I say ? I will let the photos "talk".
Add that I have a wonderful class master/formmaster.He is awesome.I don't know if I could get something better than that.Mister Marius Grigorescu,I bow before your eyes.
All the best.