Finnish lesson[1]
Here I said something about an experience exchange between my high school and a high school from Finland,in which activity I am a part of.Today I recived my first finnish lesson.I learned some words in Finnish :D
Hyvaa huomenta=Good morning
Hyvaa paivaa=Hello
Hyvaa iltaa=Good evening
Hyvaa yata=Good night
Hei hei=Bye bye
Finnish is a little strange to me.It comes from Hungarian.I find it a bit hard to pronunce too.
I was wondering how funny we will be for the Finnish people with our pronunciation.But even more fun will be when we'll speak in Romanian fluently.Especially myself who I speak realitvely fluent.(I have a high flow of word per second).. " If a shipshape shipshop stocks six shishape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?"
All the best.!
Ziceam mai sus ca am primit prima lectie de limba finlandeza astazi.Am invatat cateva cuvinte...M gandeam cat de amuzanti vom fi cand vom incerca sa pronuntam corect in finlandeza-limba care provine din ungureasca-.Cel mai amuzant o sa fie atunci cand o sa vorbim foarte fluent in romana..mai ales eu care debitez uneori foarte multe cuvinte pe secunda :)) le zic "Prietenas spune dupa mine : Capra crapa piatra-n patru, crapa-i-ar capul caprei precum a crapat piatra."..
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!