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Finland here I come

(translation in English at the end :D.For entire article press the title )
Vad o pagina alba si stiu ca trebuie sa o umplu.Am si ce sa scriu.Imi este si mult mai usor cu trance in casti.Hai sa incepem.(presimt un post lung si interesant).De cand ma stiu mi-a placut sa fiu activ in diferite actiuni,sa am o autoritate,sa am un cuvant de spus,sa fiu prezent.Cum spunea Achilianu : omniprezent,omniscient,omnipotent.Am spus acum ceva timp ca am fost la o preselectie pentru trupa de teatru a scolii.Inca nu s-a definitizat.Uremaza o a doua preselectie.Deci imi place sa fiu "in the middle of.." daca ma intelegeti :)) .

Am o pasiune pentru calatorit.Imi place mult mult de tot.La fel de mult,fotografia.Sa fac poze pe unde ma duc,ce manananc,etc.Tin minte de cand eram mai mic faptul ca ma uitam la seriale cu adolescenti (pe tvr1) si erau dublate in limbra romana.Ii vedeam la scoala,programul lor zilnic.Eram foarte fascinat.Tot la fel,vedeam si in desenul "Copii de la 402"-unul dintre desenele care mi-au marcat placut copilaria-.Devenisem si sunt foarte interesat de "outside",de tot ce este afara...
de educatia de acolo..de tot.Bine..in ultimul timp mi-a fost si astamparata un pic datorita prietenului meu foarte foarte bun din Anglia,pe nume Fady,ce imi mai povesteste care e smenozeala pe acolo.

Anul trecut,am avut si eu un articol publicat in revista scolii.Am rasfoit-o si iar am rasfoit-o si am dat de un articol-interviu cu Dl.Director.Mi-am aruncat ochii peste el si pana la urma l-am citit integral.Spunea dumnealui niste lucruri faine.Liceul meu are colaborari cu o gramada de licee din Europa si nu numai.Am ramas uimit.Vorbea de schimburi de experienta si de posibilitati de plecare mai apoi la colegii de sub aripa acelor high schools.Anul asta mi-am aminit acest lucru atunci cand am primit ca tema la psihologie sa adresez cateva intrebari directoratului.Mi-am conturat in minte urmatoarele : Daca scoala mai are la activ schimburi de experienta cu alte licee si daca mai sunt proiecte de voluntariat in care elevii se pot implica.Inca nu i le-am adresat Domnului Director dar urmeaza..luni.In schimb, m-am adresat unor diversi profesori de la clasa si dirigintelui.Am aflat ca se organizeaza un schimb in Finlanda.Mi s-au zburlit urechile ca la socate.In fine...am facut eu pe dracu in patru si mi-am facut repde aseara un CV(mai bine zis prezentare)

CV-ul l-am scris in engleza.Aveam de ales intre englea si franceza.Cum eu cu franceza ma inteleg ca dracu si tamaia,pac-pac am scris impreuna cu Fady CV-ul..Eu zic ca a iesit super..Fac print :

Se continua el...Am facut unul relativ scurt.Mai aveam unul stufos :)) dar nu era cazul aici.
Mda...imi place mult poza de pe  fundal. Uite aici :

Astazi am completat niste hartii gen : Cate camere ai,unde il gazezi pe finlandez,alegric la ceva..stiti voi..hartogaraie :)).

In principiu trebuie sa plecam in primavara.Nu stim exact cand.Locatia-langa Helsinky la vreo 100 km.Totul moca.Adica..bilet avion,cazarea(stau la un finlandez/finlandeza..imi ofera aia cazare...excursii.etc).Decat banii de buzunar...Bine...in primavara urmatoare,adica in 2012 o sa vina ei la noi.

Deja mi-am luat notite depsre Finlanda...stiti voi.Oricum nu vreau sa exagerez.Ma bazez pe proverbul "nu spune hop pana nu sari gardul" :D

Acestea fiind zise,eu ma retrag neuitand sa,
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!

Translation in English

I'm looking to a white page and I know that I have to fill it with my article.I have what to write.It's more easier for me to do that while I'm listening my favourite music-trance,vocal trance,Armin van Buuren.

Even since I was little,I enjoyed to be present in all kind of actions,projects,to have an authority,to have something interesting to say.Like Achilianu used to say:omnipresent,omniscient,omnipotent.I said few days ago that I was at an audition for the school's theatre troupe.It't not over.I will get the result over a week 'cause it will pe a second audition.(too many students).So....I like to be in te middle of..

I have a passion for travelling.I love it.Almost as much as I love photography.I like to take pictures wherever I go.I remember that when I was a little kid and I was watching a serial with a couple of teenagers at highschool,I was fascinated about schools/high schools in other countries,especially about Americans schools.Also,about the same idea,I was watching some cartoons "Kids from 402"-a great cartoon whih  influenced in good my childhood-.I had become,and I am now,too,very interested about "outside"..about everything it's outside my country.In the last few years,a very good friend of mine,Fady,who's in England,kept me "up to date" (if i can say that)...I mean that he told me what's the deal there :))... a lot about how it's his school there and all kind of things that are not in Romania.

Last year,when I went to high school,I wrote a childhood memory(when I was at my grandparrents at village and I had a pleasant adventure) and it was published in school magazine.I browsed the magazine and I found an article/interview with the headmaster.I glanced over the article and finally I read it all.He said that our high school has colaborations and partnerships with a lot of high school from Europe and outside Eurpoe.I was amazed.He spoke about exchanges of experience and about the possibility to depart later under the wing of those high schools.I remembered that this year when I had to do my homework at Psichology.I had to put some questions to the headmaster.I outlined these in my mind :If school still have active exchanges with other schools and if are in our school some projects in whih students can get involved.Since now,I didn't talk with head master but I will ..soon.Instead,I spoke with teahcers at various grade and to my class master.My class master told me that an other class master is envolved in a project with a high school from Finland.My interest grew high regarding this matter.I made yesterday evenening a CV(presentation rather) and sent it

I wrote my CV in English.I had 2 choices:in english or in French.Because I really don't like French,I made it in English.(2 pictures above)

Today I completed some papers with questions like :How many rooms do you have?Where is going to stay the finn ,Are you allergic to something ? and shits like that.

Basically we have to go in Finland in the spring.I don't know exactley when..Location-near Helsinky.100 km from Helsinky.It's great.I will fly :D.It will be the second time in my life when I go by plane.The ticket it's free :D.In the next spring they will come to Romania.

That said,I will withdraw.

All the best.!

P.S.Fadelu zice ca o sa ajung departe cu el :))).Agree.

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