
Sustin proiectul ShoeBox

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Monden.info nu te 'pacale'

 (Translation in English at the end.For the entire artilce press the title)
In urma cu o saptamana am participat la un concurs pe monden.info ce avea ca premiu un album Ad Literam.Ieri in jur de ora 12 primesc un telefon de la tipul ce era pe masina de curier rapid si ma roaga sa cobor :)).Ma duc,semnez si gata.Foarte rapid.

Pai nu pot spune ca nu aveam incredere in ei...dar eram un pic reticent.
 Uite si niste poze.


Translation in English

Last week I participated in a contest on monden.info  (a Romaninan fashion/monden site),contest that had the prize a musical album Ad Literam.Yesterday about 12 o'clock I get a call from the driver of courier car and asked me if I could come down(I stay at the 4'th floor).I signed some papers and after that I recived my prize :))).You can see it above.

I trust now monden.info.They keep their word.

All the best.!
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!

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