Usor la vale..
(Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title)
:)).Nu sunt eu cine stie ce blogger.Nu sunt foarte vizitat.Am avut maximum doar 100 si ceva de unici pe zi.dar ma incanta acest fapt nu pentru ca primesc bani din blog(Am castigat de pe urma blogului cativa prieteni,multe cunostinte,o carte si am 30 lei in cont in urma unui articol scris pentru BlogMoney) ci pentru faptul ca pot sa-mi impartasesc niste ganduri/idei/intamplari/povestioare cu niste persoane.Imi dau seama ca vizitatorii cresc direct proportional cu numarul articolelor.In ultimul timp nu m-am prea ocupat de articole.Am pus si o poza pentru a da o nota de veridicitate celor spuse mai sus.
Vineri am vizita medicala cu echipa de handball.Daca nu se iveste pana atunci un nou articol,ramane sa scriu despre vizita :d
I said above the fact that I'm not a great blogger..I'm not a piece of cake in Romania.I had maximum/at most around 100 unique visitors one day.I am delighted about this fact not because I earn mone from my blgo(The only thing I got from this blog are some friends, a book and 10 Euro in an bank account for an article that I wrote for BlogMoney) but that I can share some thoughts,ideas,stories with some people.I realize that the visitators grow in direct proportion with the number of articles.In hte las few days I didn't write as many articles as I wrote some time in the past.
I put a picture to give a touch of veracity to what was said above.On Friday I have to do the medical visit with my handball team.If I do not write by then anything,it remains to post what I did at medical visit.
All the best.
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!
:)).Nu sunt eu cine stie ce blogger.Nu sunt foarte vizitat.Am avut maximum doar 100 si ceva de unici pe zi.dar ma incanta acest fapt nu pentru ca primesc bani din blog(Am castigat de pe urma blogului cativa prieteni,multe cunostinte,o carte si am 30 lei in cont in urma unui articol scris pentru BlogMoney) ci pentru faptul ca pot sa-mi impartasesc niste ganduri/idei/intamplari/povestioare cu niste persoane.Imi dau seama ca vizitatorii cresc direct proportional cu numarul articolelor.In ultimul timp nu m-am prea ocupat de articole.Am pus si o poza pentru a da o nota de veridicitate celor spuse mai sus.
Vineri am vizita medicala cu echipa de handball.Daca nu se iveste pana atunci un nou articol,ramane sa scriu despre vizita :d
I said above the fact that I'm not a great blogger..I'm not a piece of cake in Romania.I had maximum/at most around 100 unique visitors one day.I am delighted about this fact not because I earn mone from my blgo(The only thing I got from this blog are some friends, a book and 10 Euro in an bank account for an article that I wrote for BlogMoney) but that I can share some thoughts,ideas,stories with some people.I realize that the visitators grow in direct proportion with the number of articles.In hte las few days I didn't write as many articles as I wrote some time in the past.
I put a picture to give a touch of veracity to what was said above.On Friday I have to do the medical visit with my handball team.If I do not write by then anything,it remains to post what I did at medical visit.
All the best.
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!