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Daca nu ar exista memoria

(Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title)

Memoria este unul dintre lucrurile ce au fost indispenabile ascensiunii omenirii pe scara ierarhica,deoarece eu cred ca al nostru creier nu este ca un sistem de operare...nu e ca windowsul caruia ii dai reinstalare,sa poti sa uiti ce ai stocat dar sa poti porni de la 0 pe o baza consolidata totusi de informatii.

Dac fac un mic exercitiu sumbru de imaginatie,imi imaginez cum ar fi o zi din viata noastra daca am uita tot
De exemplu peste 5 secunde ni s-ar opri funcita de memorare am ramane cu ce am memorat pana acum,nu ?..dar pentru o scurta perioada de timp.Vom uita sa scriem,sa vorbim.Este complet aiurea sa te trezesti
(asta daca nu uiti cumva) si sa inveti din nou sa scri,sa citesti..sa inveti din nou sa mergi,sa inveti din nou cum sa folosesti furculita si cutitul.Daca ar fi o industrie care ar face abstractie de pierderea memoriei si ar avea un succes fabulos,un profit gigantic,aceasta este cea de pampersi.Vom uita sa folosim WC-ul.Nu stiu sunt o multime de lucruri ce se pot intampla.

Ma tot intrebam inainte de a scrie articolul daca respiratia s-ar putea uita vreodata.Adica nu stiu.Am avut o discutie in cotradictoriu cu niste persoane.Cand te nasti nu ai o memorie si nu constientizezi ca trebuie sa respiri.Este un reflex de supravietuire.Da...sigur nu vom uita sa respiram si nici sa mancam,etc :D (ar fi prea sumbra povestea daca s-ar intampla alftel).Cea mai crancena mi se pare totusi sa iti uiti parintii.Ma gandesc la cei care au suferit atacuri cerebrale si nu isi mai recunosc rudele.Crancen de tot.

Evident ca nu exista evolutie fara memorie.Daca ne gandim de unde au pornit neanderthalienii,in 6 ore noi vom fi si mai rau.

Fara memorie,acum eu nu as mai fi scris randurile de mai sus.Doamna profesor de psiholige a spus azi ca am o memorie buna.E..mai trisez si eu uneori folosind optiunea 'memento' a telefonului.

Apropo un film super pe tema asta-Memento
Nu am pornit acest articol ca o leapsa.Acum mi-a venit idee asta..daca vrea cineva sa abordeze subiectul..be my guest.!.

Pana una alta,ma inclin.Voie buna.!

Translation in English

Memory is one of the things that were indispensable human ascent up the corporate ladder, as I believe that our brain is not like an operating system.
 it's not like you reinstall Windows, you can forget that you saved but you can start from 0 on a consolidated basis of information yet.
If I make a grim little exercise of imagination, I imagine how would be a day of our lives if we forget all.For example if our memory  will stop working in few seconds, We stay with what we've saved so far, right? right...but for a short period of time I think.We will forget to write, to talk.Is completely crazy to get up (if somehow you did not forget that ) and learn again to walk,  ..to learn again how to use fork and knife .If an industry would ignore the loss of memory and would have a fabulous success, a huge profit, this industry is the one who make diapers.We will forget to use the toilet.I don't know...are a lot of things that could hapen.

I wondered before writing the article if breathing could ever forget.Now,I think that it's not possible.I had an contradictory discussion with some people.When you are born you have no memory and you do not realize that you have to breathe.You don't know that you have to but you do it.It's a survival reflex.Yeah ... sure we do not forget to breathe and to eat, etc.(would be too grim story if would happen something else).The grim situation seems to forget your parents.I'm thinking of people who have suffered strokes and do not recognize their relatives.

Obviously there is no evolution without memory.If we think about where the Neanderthals have started , in 6 hours we will be even worse.

Obviously there is no evolution without memory.If we think about where the Neanderthals have started , in 6 hours we will be even worse.

Without memory, now I would not have written the above lines.Ms. psychology professor said today that I have a good memory.May I sometimes cheat and using the phone option "memento".

By the way.A great movie-Memento.

All the best.!


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