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Gogea porcu

 (Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title)

Hai noroc, eu sunt Gogea. Porcul de Craciun, ma stii. Obisnuiai sa te strangi cu familia in jurul meu, la o tuica fiarta si un sorici proaspat.
Anul asta, insa, nu stiu cum o sa mai fie. Cu toate normele astea europene imi e teama ca incet-incet nu ne vom mai vedea de Ignat, pe coada mea!
As vrea sa stiu parerea ta. Esti pentru pastrarea traditiilor, a carnatilor afumati si a piftiei sau esti pro-european, sensibil la suferinta mea?
Stapanul mi-a zis ca ma pot transforma in jumari:) sau ca voi trai, acum depinde de ce votezi tu...

Bah esti nebun ? :)).Fii atent.Au facaut unii un site in care il prezinta pe GOGEA-un porc oarecare- site unde este decisa soarta lui :
1)Facut jumari,carnaciori,toba,sorici
2)Ramane in viata.

Tu ai cutitul in maini-daca pot spune asa-. Inti pe site-ul http://www.operatiuneaporcul.ro/ si cu ajutorul contului de Facebook votezi smenozeala.Eu am votat.Pana acum votul arata cam asa
Pai am votat sa traiasca.In pofida faptului ca peste o saptamana il tai pe Obamma(sa vezi acum trafic),am decis sa nu fie facut carnati.Ce..castig eu ceva ? Deci da...am un porc la tara de vreo 250 kg (sau mai mult) si ii dam "moartea caprioarei" sambata(18 dec).Goge asta e mic copil pe langa Obamma.De ce il cheama Obamma ? Pentru ca e mai tuciuriu asa fata de ceilalati.O sa-l vedeti. :)) :D.

Ce zice Mircea Badea .Mi se pare foarte corect
Mircea Badea - Parerea lui Mircea Badea despre porcul Gogea
  Asculta  mai multe  audio   soundtrack

P.S.Stiu si eu un porc.Ii zice "Buton"
Translation in English

Ttile-The pig GOGEA

Hi.I am Gogea.The Christmas pig...u know me.You used to spin with youre family aroud me,drinking vodka and eating fresh pork(eating me actually).This year, however, I do not know how will be the deal.With all these European rules I'm afraid we will slowly,won't see us anymore at the Ignat(Romanian day when the pigs are slaughtered ). I would like to know youre opinion.Are you for the traditions of smoked sausages  or are you pro-European,sensitive to my suffering? The Lord told me that I can turn into scrambled, sausages, steak:) or I'm living ...now depends on what you vote ...

LOL.Watch out what certain people did.They've done a site where is presented a pig-GOGEA and where it's decided his destiny.:
1) To be made sausages,steak,etc.
2) To live.

You decide his fate.You can entre on this site http://www.operatiuneaporcul.ro/ and you can vote with your facebook account.In the left side you can vote the pig to be slaughtered and in the right side you can vote the pig to be saved. :D .Spookey.For now,this is the vote counting :

I voted in the right side despite next week I will (well..not me,the butcher) slaughtered a pig at my village.The Christmas is getting closer day by day and we have to do that.It's a tradition to eat pork at Christmas dinner.The pig's name is (attention please) ...is Obamma :D.You will say WTF ?? !? .I've put this name 'cause he is a bit dark...actually is darker than the rest of our pigs and here it comes the name :X...Anyway,you will see it on my blog next week probably.

Above is the clip with the  pig...

All the best.!

Vazut stirea la Fulgerica

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