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What a bus !?!

OMG :))).I saw  a few minutes ago at Linda Medrano Blog the "Ho Bus".She told that when she went with her family in San Francisco,they have seen  in the buss " two girls moved aside and there was a third young woman working a stripper pole in between them".The buss is called "Stripper Mobile" from Larry Flynt's Hustler Club up on Broadway .Wtf. !?! :))

No Stripper Mobile in Romania.Romanians drivers should be disappointed.

For details,visit Linda's Blog.

All the best.!

Sa mai traduc si in romana ? Ma vere..deci uite si tu ce autobuz a vazut doamna a carei link l-am pus mai sus,in San Francisco.Un autobuz de striperi :))=)).Poveste cum vedea toti soferii virand in saptele lui(in special barbatii) si cum il vedeai pe strada si la ora 10 seara si 7 dimineata.La dracu,la 7 dimineata n-ai chef de nimic.Cica e Stripper Mobilul si apartine de Larry Flynt care are revista Hustler si clubul..sau numai clubul..in fine.(eu unul asa am inteles.sau nu e asa ? ).In Romania nu e niciun stripper mobile.Cred ca ar trebui sa fie dezamagiti soferii.Sau nu ?

Ma inclin.Voie buna

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