Despre U.S.A
(Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title)
Trei sferturi din populatia U.S.A. crede literamente in miracole religioase.Numarul celor care cred in diavol,in Inviere,in faptul ca Dumnezeu face si drege este uluitor-nemaintalnit nicaieri in lumea industrializata.Ar trebui poate sa facem un sondaj in moscheile din Iran sau printre batranele din Sicilia pentru a obtine asemnea procente.Si totusi,vorbim despre populatia americana.
P.S.Cred in God.Articol scris de cineva care s-a spovedit acum cateva zile.
P.S.2.In timp ce imi asteptam randul la spovedanie (am venit cu 'handralaii ") am filmat ceva frumos.:D.Keep in touch.
Translation in English
Three quarters of the U.S. population believes in miracles religious literamente.The number of people who believe in the devil,in resurrection,in the fact that God make and made,is amazing-unprecedented in the industrialized world.We should do a poll among mosques in Iran or among old ladiesfrom Sicily to get a similar percentage. However, we are talking about the American population....
P.S.I belive in me.I even confessed myself few days ago.Btw,I filmed something nice then.Keep in touch.
Bonus ( I have not found the lyrics in English)
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!
All the best.!
Trei sferturi din populatia U.S.A. crede literamente in miracole religioase.Numarul celor care cred in diavol,in Inviere,in faptul ca Dumnezeu face si drege este uluitor-nemaintalnit nicaieri in lumea industrializata.Ar trebui poate sa facem un sondaj in moscheile din Iran sau printre batranele din Sicilia pentru a obtine asemnea procente.Si totusi,vorbim despre populatia americana.
P.S.Cred in God.Articol scris de cineva care s-a spovedit acum cateva zile.
P.S.2.In timp ce imi asteptam randul la spovedanie (am venit cu 'handralaii ") am filmat ceva frumos.:D.Keep in touch.
Translation in English
Three quarters of the U.S. population believes in miracles religious literamente.The number of people who believe in the devil,in resurrection,in the fact that God make and made,is amazing-unprecedented in the industrialized world.We should do a poll among mosques in Iran or among old ladiesfrom Sicily to get a similar percentage. However, we are talking about the American population....
P.S.I belive in me.I even confessed myself few days ago.Btw,I filmed something nice then.Keep in touch.
Bonus ( I have not found the lyrics in English)
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!
All the best.!