Cat de mult ne minte o poza ?
(Translation in English at the end.For the entire article press the title)
Am facut si eu sala vreo 2 saptamani :))).Muuult.! De obicei cand ma apuc de ceva incerc sa duc pana la capat.Am insa un prieten care e foarte fascinat de dezvoltarea masei lui musculare.El mergea cu mine la sala.Dupa ce m-am oprit,el a continuat sa mai mearga asa vreo doua luni.Acum face acasa exercitii,etc.Ideea e ca e foarte devotat asa si are un program bine structurat.Aseara insa si-a incalcat programul.
Astazi am avut cu el o conversatie :
Rares : -(tra la la de inceput.salut.bla bla)
El : -Ma vere n-auzi si tu aseara.Faceam eu la triceps cu gantera si ma tot bazaia una pe mess.
Rares(cam plictisit asa ).A ??.Si ?
El : -Pai stai..Ii spun eu nu stiu ce ca am un pic de treaba,ca nu pot sa vorbesc.Ea nu si nu ca vrea sa vorbeasca cu mine si imi trimite o poza cu ea.Bah dupa ce am vazut poza am lasat gantera dra*u si am inceput sa "tainui" cu ea. (el imi explica cum tipa avea bine dezvoltate anumite parti ale corpului ce l-au tinut aproape de monitor mult timp)
Rares(eu devenisem deja un pic amuzat de cum imi povestea) :-Pai si ? ce zicea ?
El : -Ma sa-ti zic.Am vorbit eu cu ea,nu stiu ce,sanchi bam bam,ravangheala,eugenie fara crema si cica sa ne intalnim in dimineata asta la Mercur (un centru comercial).Esti nebun,m-am trezit la 8.30 (el o are p'asta cu trezitul tarziu) si cand ajung in fata la Mercur vad o singura "lesinata" in fata la usi .Ma jur ca era lucrata in photohop poza.(de fapt se spune 'jur' fara 'ma' dar pastrez citatul).Uite si tuuu janghina cum m-a mintit cu poza si am lasat eu gantera din cauza ei (v-am spus ca omu nu e pe creaca lui cand vine vorba de gantere etc)
Rares :-Blooog :))
Acum na...fetelor daca modificati o poza cu voi in photoshop nu le modificati la modul nesimit ca avem si noi ochi :)) si ne cam suparam.
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!
Translation in English
Title-How much a photo is lieing us ?
I was last summer to the gym...almost 2 weeks.It's not a long period.Usually when I start something I try to go all the way.I try to do my best.The fact that I was not much time at the gym is an exception :D . But I have a friend who is very fascinated by the development of muscle mass.He was coming with me at the gym.When I quit,he didn't.He went to the gym a couple of months.Now,he is making exercises at home.He quit too.I don't know why.The idea is that he is very loyal to this sport,he loves working his body and he has a structured program that he never break it.Yesterday evening he did.
This is my dialog with him today in which he is saying what made him to break his program:
My friend:- Listen to what happened to me last night.I was working my triceps and a girl was bothering me on yahoo messenger.She was really annoying
Rares :Hi.So what ...(I was a little bored)
My friend :-Wait a minute.I'm telling you .I said to her that I can not speak 'cause I have a bit of work.She said that she doesn't accpet and sent me a photo of her.God.She waaaas......After I saw the picture I threw the fu**ing dumbbell and I started to talk to her..My friend....she looks gorgeus in the photo.
Rares-( I was getting amused) : Wow..great.What else ?
My friend:.Listen to me..don't fu**ing laugh.I spoke with her and we decided to meet each other this morning.Duuudee...I woke up at 8.30 a.m..Coul you believe that.Usually I woke up at 10 or 11 a.m..I arrived to the meeting point and when I saw her I was shocked.I said in my mind "Nooo shiiit .! " .She was not looking like in the photo.I was not loving the shit out of her anymore.Yaks.I'm sure that the photo was modified in photoshop..Man could you belive that. ?? She made me broke my training and made me woke up at 8.30 a.m. with that fu**ing photo.Dude ,I hate photoshop.
Rares-LOL =)) I'm gonna put this on my blog :))))
All the best.!
Am facut si eu sala vreo 2 saptamani :))).Muuult.! De obicei cand ma apuc de ceva incerc sa duc pana la capat.Am insa un prieten care e foarte fascinat de dezvoltarea masei lui musculare.El mergea cu mine la sala.Dupa ce m-am oprit,el a continuat sa mai mearga asa vreo doua luni.Acum face acasa exercitii,etc.Ideea e ca e foarte devotat asa si are un program bine structurat.Aseara insa si-a incalcat programul.
Astazi am avut cu el o conversatie :
Rares : -(tra la la de inceput.salut.bla bla)
El : -Ma vere n-auzi si tu aseara.Faceam eu la triceps cu gantera si ma tot bazaia una pe mess.
Rares(cam plictisit asa ).A ??.Si ?
El : -Pai stai..Ii spun eu nu stiu ce ca am un pic de treaba,ca nu pot sa vorbesc.Ea nu si nu ca vrea sa vorbeasca cu mine si imi trimite o poza cu ea.Bah dupa ce am vazut poza am lasat gantera dra*u si am inceput sa "tainui" cu ea. (el imi explica cum tipa avea bine dezvoltate anumite parti ale corpului ce l-au tinut aproape de monitor mult timp)
Rares(eu devenisem deja un pic amuzat de cum imi povestea) :-Pai si ? ce zicea ?
El : -Ma sa-ti zic.Am vorbit eu cu ea,nu stiu ce,sanchi bam bam,ravangheala,eugenie fara crema si cica sa ne intalnim in dimineata asta la Mercur (un centru comercial).Esti nebun,m-am trezit la 8.30 (el o are p'asta cu trezitul tarziu) si cand ajung in fata la Mercur vad o singura "lesinata" in fata la usi .Ma jur ca era lucrata in photohop poza.(de fapt se spune 'jur' fara 'ma' dar pastrez citatul).Uite si tuuu janghina cum m-a mintit cu poza si am lasat eu gantera din cauza ei (v-am spus ca omu nu e pe creaca lui cand vine vorba de gantere etc)
Rares :-Blooog :))
Acum na...fetelor daca modificati o poza cu voi in photoshop nu le modificati la modul nesimit ca avem si noi ochi :)) si ne cam suparam.
Ma inclin.Voie buna.!
Translation in English
Title-How much a photo is lieing us ?
I was last summer to the gym...almost 2 weeks.It's not a long period.Usually when I start something I try to go all the way.I try to do my best.The fact that I was not much time at the gym is an exception :D . But I have a friend who is very fascinated by the development of muscle mass.He was coming with me at the gym.When I quit,he didn't.He went to the gym a couple of months.Now,he is making exercises at home.He quit too.I don't know why.The idea is that he is very loyal to this sport,he loves working his body and he has a structured program that he never break it.Yesterday evening he did.
This is my dialog with him today in which he is saying what made him to break his program:
My friend:- Listen to what happened to me last night.I was working my triceps and a girl was bothering me on yahoo messenger.She was really annoying
Rares :Hi.So what ...(I was a little bored)
My friend :-Wait a minute.I'm telling you .I said to her that I can not speak 'cause I have a bit of work.She said that she doesn't accpet and sent me a photo of her.God.She waaaas......After I saw the picture I threw the fu**ing dumbbell and I started to talk to her..My friend....she looks gorgeus in the photo.
Rares-( I was getting amused) : Wow..great.What else ?
My friend:.Listen to me..don't fu**ing laugh.I spoke with her and we decided to meet each other this morning.Duuudee...I woke up at 8.30 a.m..Coul you believe that.Usually I woke up at 10 or 11 a.m..I arrived to the meeting point and when I saw her I was shocked.I said in my mind "Nooo shiiit .! " .She was not looking like in the photo.I was not loving the shit out of her anymore.Yaks.I'm sure that the photo was modified in photoshop..Man could you belive that. ?? She made me broke my training and made me woke up at 8.30 a.m. with that fu**ing photo.Dude ,I hate photoshop.
Rares-LOL =)) I'm gonna put this on my blog :))))
All the best.!