
Sustin proiectul ShoeBox

ShoeBox.ro - Cadoul din cutia de pantofi. Participa si tu!

Cica e bine

(Translation on English at the end.For the entire article press the title)
Cica e bine sa ai un articol in sectiunea 'Populare' de pe cica.ro .Articolul este acesta; cel in care povesteam o discutie cu un prieten ce fusese 'tepuit' de o tipa care ii trimisese o poza cu modificata in photoshop.


Multam fain.La mai mare.!
Voie buna.!
Translation in English.
This is a short article in which I'm saying that this article is popular on a romanian blog news site.I'm glade 'cause I've never had an article popular at any site.I took a print screen.

All the best.!

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